temperature measuring devices
Discover hidden thermal bridges and energy losses quickly and easily with our thermal imaging cameras and infrared thermal detectors.
The perfect thermal duo
The thermal imaging camera measures the temperature at 19,200 measuring points and thus provides you with a high-resolution thermal image that shows the temperature distribution on a surface.
The thermal detector measures the temperature at specific points on the surface and also displays the relative humidity and ambient temperature.

thermal imaging camera GTC 400 C Professional
The GTC 400 C Professional thermal imaging camera is perfect for measuring surface temperatures.
The displayed thermal image shows the temperature distribution of the field of view of the thermal imaging camera and thus enables temperature deviations to be displayed in different colors.
In this way, surfaces and objects can be examined for temperature differences or abnormalities in order to make components and/or possible weak points visible.
Wichtige Anwendungsbereiche der Wärmebildkamera:

Sanitär-, Heizungs- und Klimatechnik prüfen
Prüfung von Fußbodenheizung, Rohrverläufe und Heizrohre. Auffinden von Leckagen und Prüfung von Heizkörpern und Klimaanlagen.

Isolationsfehler, Wärmebrücken oder undichte Stellen finden
Dämmungsfehler, Isolationsfehler, Wärmebrücken oder undichte Stellen visualisieren, sowie Ermittlung von Leckagen und Wassereintritt. Energieverluste bei Fenstern, Türen und Rollladenkästen lokalisieren.

Elektronik, Sicherungen und Kabelverbindungen prüfen
Sichere und effektive Prüfung von Sicherungskästen, Kabelverbindungen, elektrischen Komponenten, um z. B. Überhitzungsbrände zu verhindern.

Defekte am Motor oder an der Autoelektronik aufdecken
Prüfung der Motortemperatur, Front- und Heckscheibenheizung, Sitzheizung und Klimaanlage. Überprüfen der Sicherungen und Kühlmittelleitungen im Auto sowie Abgassystem und Kühlmittelleitungen.

Thermal detector GIS 1000 C Professional
The GIS 1000 C Professional thermal detector is ideal for measuring surface temperature, ambient temperature and relative humidity. It calculates the dew point temperature and indicates thermal bridges and the risk of mold.
A thermal bridge is a point on the outer wall of a building where there is a localized increased heat loss.
The dew point temperature indicates the temperature at which the water vapor contained in the air begins to condense. If the temperature of a surface is lower than the dew point temperature, then water begins to condense on that surface. Condensation on surfaces is the main cause of mold growth.
Wichtige Anwendungsbereiche des Thermoscanners:

Relative Luftfeuchtigkeit messen
Der Thermodetektor kann mit dem externen Sensor die relative Luftfeuchtigkeit mit einer Genauigkeit von ±2 % messen. Bei der Interpretation der Daten hilft eine Farbskala, die den erfassten Temperaturbereich sowie Temperaturabweichungen und damit Schimmelgefahr und Wärmebrücken anzeigt.

Oberflächentemperatur messen
Der Thermodetektor misst in einem Bereich von –40 °C bis +1000 °C die Oberflächentemperatur der Kreisfläche zwischen den zwei Laserpunkten mit einer Genauigkeit von ±1,0 °C.

Umgebungstemperatur messen
Der Infrarot-Thermometer kann die Umgebungstemperatur in einem Bereich von –10 °Cbis +50 °C und mit einer Genauigkeit von ±1 °C messen.

Kontakttemperatur messen
Der GIS 1000 C Professional kann Kontakttemperaturen in einem Bereich von –40 °C bis +1000 °C messen. Durch die Verbindung des Thermodetektors mit einem Thermoelement (Typ K) kann die Temperatur in Flüssigkeiten, reflektierenden Materialien und Luftströmen gemessen werden.
Aktuelles Angebot
Jetzt 17 % sparen!
Wenn Sie Thermodetektor + Wärmebildkamera mieten, zahlen Sie für eine Woche insgesamt nur 99,99 € (statt 119,98 €).
Thermal imaging camera + thermal detector rental 1 week

Interesting facts about thermography
What is the difference between a thermal imaging camera and a spot measurement?
The GTC 400 C Professional enables area-wide thermography with high resolution. By capturing thousands of measurement points, a detailed thermal image is created that enables fast and comprehensive analysis.
The GIS 1000 C Professional is an infrared thermometer for precise temperature measurements on small surfaces. In addition to the surface temperature, environmental parameters such as humidity can also be recorded. This enables precise characterization of the measuring point.
Wie unterscheiden sich die technischen Funktionen der beiden Infrarot-Temperatur-Messgeräte?
Wärmebildkamera |
Thermodetektor |
Messung geringer Emissionsgrad | ✘ | ✔ |
IR-Auflösung | 160 x 120 px | Nur Spotmessung |
Messbereich | –10 °C bis + 400 °C | –40 °C bis + 1000 °C |
Genauigkeit | ±3 °C | ±1 °C |
Interner Speicher | 500 Bilder | 200 Bilder |
Akkulaufzeit | 9 h | 10 h |
Konnektivität | WLAN, USB | Bluetooth, USB |
PC-Software | ✔ | ✘ |
What is a thermal image?
Any object with a temperature above absolute zero (-273.15 °C) emits thermal infrared radiation. The intensity of this radiation is directly proportional to the temperature of the object. A thermal imaging camera converts this infrared radiation into a visible image, with different temperatures represented by different color intensities.
The GTC 400 C Professional offers a thermal resolution of 160x120 pixels. This means that the image field is divided into 19,200 individual measuring points, for each of which a corresponding temperature value is determined. The higher the resolution, the more detailed the resulting thermal image.
Where and what does a thermal imaging camera measure?
Thermal imaging cameras capture the infrared radiation emitted by objects and convert it into a visual signal. The resulting thermal image shows the distribution of surface temperatures. Different temperatures are represented by different colors, which enables quick and easy analysis of thermal bridges, overheating or other thermal phenomena.
Where and what does an infrared thermometer measure?
The temperature measurement takes place within a circular measuring area that is precisely defined by two laser points. The measured value corresponds to the average of all temperature points within this area. In addition to the surface temperature, the device also provides information on the relative humidity and the ambient temperature.
At what distance are the thermal imaging camera measurements most accurate?
The spatial resolution of a thermal imaging camera decreases with increasing distance. This means that smaller temperature differences are more difficult to distinguish at greater distances. In order to obtain optimal resolution and thus precise measurement values, a minimum distance of at least 30 cm from the measuring object should be maintained. This distance is necessary to adjust the focus of the camera and to ensure a sharp image of the heat distribution.
When does the GTC 400 C Professional start measuring?
Thermal image recording begins automatically when the device is switched on. When the shutter button is pressed, a single image is captured and frozen on the display. The measurement can be continued at any time by pressing the shutter button again. Saved images can be called up and saved using the bottom left button, both during the ongoing measurement and in still image mode.
When does the GIS 1000 C Professional start measuring?
Simply press the red trigger to start the measurement. As soon as you release the trigger, the measurement ends. The device determines the average temperature within the circular area marked by the two laser points.
How does the GIS 1000 C Professional measure moisture?
In addition to measuring heat, the device also offers the option of determining relative humidity and ambient temperature. The sensor responsible for this is located directly behind the protective cap. For a correct measurement, it is necessary to remove the protective cap before measuring.
How can I retrieve saved images from the thermal imaging camera?
"All captured thermal images are automatically saved in the gallery of the GTC 400 C Professional. To view the images, simply switch to gallery mode. You can easily scroll through your saved images using the arrow keys.
Why do the upper and lower temperatures on the thermal imaging camera display constantly change?
A thermal image shows temperature differences using different colors. The color palette used automatically adapts to the temperatures in the scene. This means that if you point the camera at a warmer area, the color scale will also change.
However, if you want to keep the color scale the same for different shots in order to be able to compare them better, you can lock the automatic adjustment using the right function button (Lock function on the display). An alternative way to prevent the color scale from changing automatically is to use the manual mode (using the Func function button in the measurement mode).